The human condition is a difficult thing, but a journey that is necessary to get to the other side. Your writing is so appealing, I read this message in multiple sessions, and I kept coming back to it, even if there were other messages in my inbox, I wanted to read till the end. You have a gift, your writing. I'm of a different generation, I also had my own difficulties growing up to adulthood, I have to say what helped me the most was my faith. It helped me to move forward, through all the difficult times. You mention spirituality, and God, faith is very helpful in difficult times. Keep working at what calls you forward in life, it will reward you. I'm inspired by you, your introspection, your strong character, how you came through a difficult period. I've started talking about you to my daughter, who is struggling with gender. Who is also 'quirky', I liked that, and asked her if she considered herself quirky, she answered 'yes'. I don't know what life has planned for you no one really knows, but you will find it, keep doing what you are doing. I look forward to reading more from you. Take care of yourself too.....

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I think you've done the right thing, moving out west. If you can find work teaching art to kids that would be great. The more you can do to meet locals and get to know them, the more likely you are to meet someone worthwhile. It's not going to happen online, try to minimize your screentime or at least social media time - it's designed to suck you in for as many hours as possible.

You meet people when you are doing other things, most of the time. Do what makes you happy, because happy people are more attractive. I am rooting for you!

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Laura, I’m sorry you’re having a rough time. I’ve followed all your writing for a long time and you remind me a lot of my daughter. I live in Phoenix. Send me a message if you need any info on living here or just want a friend!

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Life is hard, no way around that, especially if you’re atypical in any way and don’t have rock-solid family support. I feel for you. I’ve dealt with some of the same issues you describe. In my case it’s softened by my having clear spiritual beliefs and a sense of meaning, and an understanding that suffering has a purpose, sometimes more than one purpose. But it’s still really hard.

So you’re now a conservative of note in some circles, but what does that mean for you? Does conservatism represent a stable set of belief or values, or does conservatism change over time? (question implying an answer) I consider myself politically eclectic — agreeing with conservatives on some issues, moderates on some, and progressives on yet others. From what I’ve seen, I suspect you’re somewhat like that as well? Maybe that’s a small factor in the sense of emptiness, even the loneliness?

Sorry, I know I’m a total stranger being way too presumptuous and hope I haven’t annoyed you.

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Refund & Remove me please.

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I feel for you coming of age in this brave new world of social media that has so connected us to strangers and yet leaves us hollow in our personal lives. To have hardly lived and yet be pressed to share the wisdom of your trauma at so young an age. I wish you new paths and doorways opening up in your new location. Moving is considered the second most traumatic life event after death of a loved one and in a way you are suffering both. Sending love.

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I'm very proud of you Laura and glad we got to know eachother for a brief bit of time. Even if I'm not a conservative I cannot deny your pain and am wish you on this issue! You were kind of an intimidating person, and I hear that said of me too. I still bring you up when people deny the shades of grey on the trans flag.

Hmu if you'll be protesting either the DNC or RNC. I'm covering both (kinda)

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It’s all a big vast journey, that thing we call healing. Family and friends- build them both. Your current foray into detrans activism is well done. It sounds like you need a deeper profession as the fame is fleeting and often meaningless, as you point out. It is a continuation of the social media clicks and likes that we now know harm our brains so deeply. Stay in it to the extent that you can, enjoy being VIP for in-person events, but also study and learn a new skill or profession- one that will keep your mind and body active! Medicine, physical therapy, teaching, massage, dog training, pre-school- so many possibilities. Love comes when we least expect it, and it is true that for many a lifelong romantic partnership does not manifest. I hope that it will, for you, but your chances are like the rest of us. It’s a crapshoot. We make the best of what we have and we enjoy our friends in the meantime. Thank you for this exploration.

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