All they have left is shouting over you.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Laura Becker

Laura, this is a fabulous essay. It is nuanced and shows the complexity of dealing with both the pro-trans and gender critical folks, and yet very honest and personal. Bravo! Shop this around to get it published in other places, if you haven’t already.

First of all...that poster with detransitioner in quotes. And calling you a “noted racist”. lol. 😂 WTF is that even about?? And, pray tell, which is worse?

Your account of the event and their protest is fascinating. If you didn’t have pics of the little notes, I almost wouldn’t believe them. As you said, very high school.

I think you should be oddly flattered that these kids pulled out all the stops for you. Obviously they perceived you as a threat.

You say that you don’t respect them. But I think you treated them with tremendous respect, at the event and in this essay, especially when you point out that this was you at an earlier stage.

It may seem that you had no impact. Don’t be so sure. You may have planted a seed with some of them and it may well take root in the future. Stella used to tell a story, (was it about the Peak Trans girls?) about a lesbian couple who were both transitioning together. They used to hate-watch a detransitioner. And then one day, they realized the detransitioner had a good point. And that snapped them back into reality.

I think (and hope) this gender critical person who fought with you online was an exception. Maybe it’s because I’m a mom of about ROGD kid, but I am always hopeful that she and this whole generation will come out from under this spell someday, and be much wiser for it.

I’m sure you don’t remember me, but we met and spoke briefly at Genspect in Denver. For me, it was one of the highlights of the conference. You are a class act Laura. It’s really something to see someone becoming aware of, and stepping into, the power of their own presence. That’s what you’re doing here and clearly, you’re just getting started.

One day, one of these knucklehead kids will say that your talk was the first crack in the wall for them. Not because you screamed at them. Because you were honest and upfront and human.

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I have no hatred for the young people caught up in this cult (unless they are violent), but the adults leading young people into this mess, including the medical professionals, are another matter. I didn't recognize you from your "trans" pic, and you look fantastic as a professional adult. I'm happy to hear you were supported by UVM.

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