Congratulations! At 18 I was a college student but also kicked out the dorms, living out of my car in Chicago winter behind a liquor store that sold to kids. Never sought mental health treatment til I was in handcuffs taken to a for profit hospital. Promptly dropped out of a prestigious school to not waste money on a second trimester.

So you know you're not alone. Re-entered college at 22 in the south with free community college and great rates on instate tuition. Graduated af 26 in 3.5 years because summer classes were awesome. Saved some $$$ but still haven't seen it pay off. Partly because I still have mental health and drug issues but also because media outlets I worked for are deplatformed or demonitized. Then smeared on Wikipedia


Also SouthFront is deplatformed on YouTube

I don't wanna hijack your post too much because it's truly remarkable what you've accomplished given all you've been through.

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I hope you can do more collage workshops, even if they are on the weekends for fun.

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This is amazing! Congrats! Where can I find the podcast on transcendence?

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Thank you. The podcast can be found on the usual podcast apps under TransPsyche, but you can find it here directly on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2DZlGlLFMbeah_hi1Xfe0Q

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Hang in there, Funk God. Keep turning that bad funk into good. You got dealt a bad hand, I know (and not all the cards coming down the river have been aces, either), but you are playing it well. Keep playing. Posts like this are really useful to others, on their own journeys. You are doing good in the world. Onward and upward...

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Thanks Julian. I like to say all the cards I got in my hand were Jokers and now I have to play them, lol.

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